This game was run about two years ago. The scenario was an American assault on a German held village in Normady. The rules used were Disposable Heroes/ Coffin for Seven Brothers. The American force was roughly twice as large as the defending German force, though the Germans had a Tiger tank prowling the village. There were three players: one German and two American.
The Americans to the East of the town. The American forces were broken into two groups and attacked from two different sides.
A view from the west of the village looking east into the village. The Tiger tank can partially be seen near the town center.
The view from the southeast. In the background can be seen the mill.
The view from the north looking south into the village center.
The view from the west looking into town. A Stuart tank moves slowly up the road scouting the path ahead.
The rest of the American force to the west moves up supported by an M10 tank destroyer.
A German LMG team and a rifle section take up position in a ruined house covering to the northeast. They would do a fair amount of damage to the attacking US forces.
A view of the town square showing the Tiger and a PzKw IVH occupying the town center.
An overview of the town from the southwest.
The initial American deployment on the west side of the town.
An overview of the town from the east. The small cottage in the foreground at the angle in the road has a 75mm ATG in it.It was quickly knocked out by the Sherman tank.
The town square from the east-southeast. The cottage containing the hidden 75mm ATG is seen in the foreground.
Another view of the village.
Overview of the town center. The tanks have adjusted their position in response to movements on the outskirts of town.
The Stuart makes contact, getting taken out by the Tiger! A US BAR team takes heavy fire as they try to move into the town and seek shelter in the buildings and the edge of the street.
The Sherman and a scout car move up the road into the east of town. The ATG fires and misses and is taken out by the Sherman.
Another view of the quad 20mm AA. The American player drops mortar fire on it, causing some casualties.
The M10 tries to sneak into the town but is taken out by a panzershreck!
The Tiger looking imposing in the center of town.
Unfortunately, we got really involved in the game and forgot to take anymore pictures!(This was one of the first games we played where we tried to take pictures for an AAR). But eventually the American pushed into town, taking out both German tanks. German panzerfausts and panzershrecks tore up the rest of the American armor, however.
The game ended in an American victory with the Germans wiped out but the Americans took heavy casualties.
The German tanks have since been re-painted. I wasn't happy with the paintjob and redid them with the airbrush. They are much nicer now.
All buildings are from the Miniature Building Authority. Figures are a mix of Bolt Action, Battle Honors, West Wind, and Crusader. I've found once they are all painted up and based they don't look too bad together. Some weapons look a little out of kilter with each other but you really only notice it if the figures are right next to each other.
Future plans involve making some better roads. The felt works okay but just doesn't cut it.
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